SMMCNE Overview
The People
Events & News
SMM Newsletter
Success Stories
Nested Strategy
Nested Edupreneurial Development
Nested Edupreneurial Development Overview
The Nest
The Wing
The Planter
The Fleets
The Colony
Nested Entrepreneurship Education
SSEE Overview
The People
YES Club
YES Membership
Awards & YES Recognition
Knowledge Sharing
Innovations & Creations
Research Opportunity
The Nested Repository
Contact Us
The Powerful Minds Behind SSEE
Dr. Lim Teck Ting (PhD.) Sunway Uni.
CEO cum Group Executive Chairman
Dr. Goh Hui Chyn (D.B.A) MMU
Group Managing Director
Dr. Lim Xtn Yi (D.B.A) Taylor Uni
Dr. Hang Joo Lee (D.B.A) UCSI Uni
Ms. Kiko Chan
Mr. Rior Koh