Nested Edupreneurial Development

Nested Edupreneurial Development

The Planter

The Planter: Team Economizer

What is The Planter?

Expanding a business into a new market can be difficult and challenging in today's rapidly changing business environment. Thus, The Planter programme provides you with essential trainings to develop skillful and knowledgeable human capital for exploring the new market.
At the end of the programme, participants are trained to develop new teams for entrepreneurial business expansion, ultimately leading to significant business growth.

What we do?

The key activities and training offered in The Planter phase include M3, M4 and coaching, and mentoring programmes.
The Planter Network - All SST Members
All Members


Planting Seeds Programme
Tree Grafting Project
Nested Education
Team Economizing Project
Nested Capabilities Transfer Workshop
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Team Challenges

Fixed Deposit Contest (NMF)
Oversea Edupreneurial Trip
Startup Business Plan
Special Sales Drive